Gy$150M for design works on surgical hospital

Minister within the Health Ministry, Dr Bheri Ramsaran

Gy$150 million has been allocated for the commencement of works on the design of a 150-bed surgical specialty hospital which will conduct surgical procedures including invasive cardiology and radiation oncology.

Minister within the Health Ministry, Dr Bheri Ramsaran, in an interview with Guyana Times International on Friday, said that the construction of this hospital was the initiative of President Bharrat Jagdeo, and it will take away the need for patients to have to travel overseas for special surgeries.

Ramsaran acknowledged that Guyana does not have all the required skills to manage such a hospital, and he noted that the administration will be looking for strong international support in an effort to build local skills.

“This hospital will be of a world-class level. It will attract the diaspora and overseas connections, while at the same time build skills in young

Guyanese doctors,” he said.

He stated that other possibilities are also being explored in this regard. The minister said that a location for the hospital has not yet been decided on, but he noted that several areas in the city are being looked at. He stated that the location will be selected so that the ambience will not only be the hospital experience, but also excellent service delivery.

This initiative was welcomed by citizens who believe that this will provide improved medical services for Guyanese who may not be able to afford medical attention overseas. Guyana Times International spoke to some citizens on Saturday, January 22nd, who shared their views on the initiative.

Olive Guyadeen, an office clerk, believes that the idea is an excellent one which will enhance the lives of Guyanese. She said that, in previous years, some developments that are now taking place here seemed almost impossible, since Guyana was viewed as one of the poorest countries and some people never even knew it existed.

“Today Guyana is known around the world, especially since our LCDS, which will lead the way for many great things for us. To be honest, I am very glad about this, because it will help a lot of people because, most times, people can’t afford to raise the money to go to Trinidad or one of those big countries for special surgery, and they die. With this new hospital that will be built, we can have special surgeries done right here, so that is really a major development for us,” she said.

A nursery school teacher, Avis Pemberton also shared her opinion on the initiative. She said that this move by government is commendable since it is one which can offer critical services to all sections of society, especially the less fortunate.

“Adequate health care is vital in every society, and it is good for us as a people to have a high-class surgical hospital here (from which) we can receive special surgeries. That no longer means that when people can’t afford to find a million dollars or more to go overseas for a surgery they will die. It means that they can be treated right here at home,” she said.

Anthony Reynolds, a taxi driver from Diamond, also lauded the initiative. He said that with all the developments taking place in our country, there would be no need for people to migrate.

“Guyana is moving ahead, and even during the global challenges we are developing, so people don’t have to pack up and go away anymore, because one day, very soon, we can have all the fancies of the developed world right here. A new hospital to perform specialised surgeries would be massive improvement,” he said.

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